Monday, January 21, 2008
Jay Chou's Concert.. FANTASTIC
It's super good! Wah.. Too bad din shoot lotsa videos.. Have only seen those captured by me.. I havent get to see what my sis has captured (we both got a digi cam on hand each)
How close were we, having to pay for so much? See bottom... It's a bit restricted view, esp when the cameraman 'crew' was on the stage blocking us most of the time.. managed to get him gotta my pictures...
Lotsa stuff were sold out! Managed to ask my cousin to help purchase on the Saturday concert.. but ended up many were pre-order.. still gotta go to the company and collect..
This is really upclose! I went all the way down to the very front (not really all the way cos it's only a few steps down...) and quickly did some snapping away... But he din look over here when i shoot...
The 'transparent' grand piano.. Shipped in from Taiwan together with the other 2 pianos and the chandeliers and the big pink heels and the horse...
How close were we, having to pay for so much? See bottom... It's a bit restricted view, esp when the cameraman 'crew' was on the stage blocking us most of the time.. managed to get him gotta my pictures...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
SPOP Song - 婚礼
Mouse over to listen to the songs....
One of my fave: 婚礼 ... Very K song
词曲: 蓝智峰
(女)那教堂钟声太微弱 却敲痛心中的伤口
台上庄严典礼 纪念我输得彻底
(男)他揭开你面纱时候 一枚戒指将你紧扣
(男) 祝福你们的生活
(合)怎却 那泪莫名地流
(男)你洁白的婚礼 你多么的美丽 台下我的独角戏
(女)走进院子里 昨天的回忆
(女)教堂的钟声 梦已破碎
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Middle of the week... Middle of Everything!
(1st phrase was extract from my sis's entry long ago.. thought it's really interesting.. so came out with the rest)
(1st phrase was extract from my sis's entry long ago.. thought it's really interesting.. so came out with the rest)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Wah - I'm impressed
Was randomly surfing FaceBook. Tried typing someone's name, someone whom I had somehow lost touch like 14 years ago...someone whom I've been searching for using Friendster but to no avail.. Suddenly after I typed out the name and tada, the profile photo came out! Though cannot view the whole profile, almost immediately I can recognise this person! Wow... I'm impressed with the databank...
Being cheeky, I tried typing "Candice"... Ended up so many people sharing the same name.. But few sharing same surname lah..
So to all Candice out there, you are not alone... (Trying to sound like Will Smith in I AM LEGEND)
Oh yah, saw something on Youtube... Before anyone knows what is PSP, DS, or even internet, we have this game that we can really hook onto for like 2 hours? Tetris the game.. It was so popular I believe ppl near my age had own one loh...
Back to the video I've seen.
Human Tetris.. This is awesome! Somehow they got it so perfect.. Except the 'pam pam pam' music background.. Sounds hilarious... But hey, it's a church isn't it? How can like that? For light hearted people, enjoy the following...
Being cheeky, I tried typing "Candice"... Ended up so many people sharing the same name.. But few sharing same surname lah..
So to all Candice out there, you are not alone... (Trying to sound like Will Smith in I AM LEGEND)
Oh yah, saw something on Youtube... Before anyone knows what is PSP, DS, or even internet, we have this game that we can really hook onto for like 2 hours? Tetris the game.. It was so popular I believe ppl near my age had own one loh...
Back to the video I've seen.
Human Tetris.. This is awesome! Somehow they got it so perfect.. Except the 'pam pam pam' music background.. Sounds hilarious... But hey, it's a church isn't it? How can like that? For light hearted people, enjoy the following...
Huh January Already ah?
Good gorgeous me I havent really have time to finalise my stuff for 2007 and here comes 2008!
Couple of things to update.. Since I've gone MIA in blogging for almost 1 month..
Good news! (About me lah)
1) It's the beginning of the year and I supposed the full time working peeps are happy cos of the 5 letter word. BONUS!!!
2) Managed to go JB with Michelle, Jimmy and Co (forgot the name le) in December. Thought overall in year 2007, I went Malaysia like 6 times? Can't remember... Really help their economy boom (I'm a little prawn, but hey, I do spent there...)
I think this will be the only event I'm looking forward to (apart for my now-cancelled Korea trip)
4) I'm going Taiwan! Soon soon soon.. Very soon hor? I think should be able to materialise it...
Sis now already in Taiwan.. Must get info about the good places to visit... Slowly starting our itinerary le bah.... (Okay yah, you know who you are)
Bad News! (Also about me lah)
1) I am supposed to go Korea this Feb for some snowballing action but due to some unforeseen circumstances I may not be able to An Ngyong Ha Sei Yo this Feb! I shall stay in Singapore to eat Kimchi Pao Mian watching 咖啡王子一号店 instead. I'm going to miss chancing upon Dennis Joseph O'neill also known as Dennis Wu (the guy in my previous entry, there.. the bottom entry) But nevertheless, I got some snowball in return. My undone work is snowballing~! The difference? Big. And nothing to be happy about. Though it's free 'snowball'...
2) Am planning my study study study.. But I'm lazy and scared of exams... But I need the paper~ I also need the money.. Candice is waiting for the money to fall from the sky. Really.
For those kind souls out there, if you have lotsa money to spare and don't mind contribute to CARE (Candice always requires expenditure) fund, please contact me. I will inform you about my bank details in a separate note.
3) Work wise, I dun really wanna mention cos not really worth worrying about. Just waste my braincells.. Anyway, so long student numbers come in, it's fine I supposed. So many kids this year! Yay to BONUS! Haha... Esp with my group of crazy-but-efficient- happy colleagues for support and accompaniment, it really helps. A lot.
4) I wanna go lipo! Haha... But cos the CARE fund is not coming in, I shall stick with my 'how to slim down while munching kit kat chunky' method. Still status quo.
Nothing bad about 2008 I hope.
K lah, ending here le... Till the next entry arrives... Take care my fellow people and stay healthy...
Kidding about the lipo thingy... Healthy is most impt!
Couple of things to update.. Since I've gone MIA in blogging for almost 1 month..
Good news! (About me lah)
1) It's the beginning of the year and I supposed the full time working peeps are happy cos of the 5 letter word. BONUS!!!
2) Managed to go JB with Michelle, Jimmy and Co (forgot the name le) in December. Thought overall in year 2007, I went Malaysia like 6 times? Can't remember... Really help their economy boom (I'm a little prawn, but hey, I do spent there...)
I think this will be the only event I'm looking forward to (apart for my now-cancelled Korea trip)
4) I'm going Taiwan! Soon soon soon.. Very soon hor? I think should be able to materialise it...
Sis now already in Taiwan.. Must get info about the good places to visit... Slowly starting our itinerary le bah.... (Okay yah, you know who you are)
Bad News! (Also about me lah)
1) I am supposed to go Korea this Feb for some snowballing action but due to some unforeseen circumstances I may not be able to An Ngyong Ha Sei Yo this Feb! I shall stay in Singapore to eat Kimchi Pao Mian watching 咖啡王子一号店 instead. I'm going to miss chancing upon Dennis Joseph O'neill also known as Dennis Wu (the guy in my previous entry, there.. the bottom entry) But nevertheless, I got some snowball in return. My undone work is snowballing~! The difference? Big. And nothing to be happy about. Though it's free 'snowball'...
2) Am planning my study study study.. But I'm lazy and scared of exams... But I need the paper~ I also need the money.. Candice is waiting for the money to fall from the sky. Really.
For those kind souls out there, if you have lotsa money to spare and don't mind contribute to CARE (Candice always requires expenditure) fund, please contact me. I will inform you about my bank details in a separate note.
3) Work wise, I dun really wanna mention cos not really worth worrying about. Just waste my braincells.. Anyway, so long student numbers come in, it's fine I supposed. So many kids this year! Yay to BONUS! Haha... Esp with my group of crazy-but-efficient- happy colleagues for support and accompaniment, it really helps. A lot.
4) I wanna go lipo! Haha... But cos the CARE fund is not coming in, I shall stick with my 'how to slim down while munching kit kat chunky' method. Still status quo.
Nothing bad about 2008 I hope.
K lah, ending here le... Till the next entry arrives... Take care my fellow people and stay healthy...
Kidding about the lipo thingy... Healthy is most impt!