Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday... where the sun is out the whole day.. I woke up at 2pm!

Had a full filled with activities Saturday.. Went to work, then went to Chinatown run errands, then go back to PS area meet up with Drifters... Saw one primary school friend and our eyes met.. But neither initiated a 'hi'... So we went our ways.. He's still the same I guess.. Maybe he's on my Facebook so I wasn't shocked about his looks since I last met him ages ago.. I think he did had a second look of me (cos while taking the escalator up I was behind his female friend)... Did I change a lot since primary school days? Maybe I did...

Anyway was at PS, then wanted to go Mount Emily... But some circumstances led to another, we ended in Serangoon Gardens Cafe Cartel.... A nice place to chill out.. But they close at 12 midnight.. So we went over to Grapevine at Upper Serangoon.. Talked till about 2am before heading home..

Time really flies ah ....

Nice cosy Sunday... Enjoying peace and tranquility...

Oh ya, love this song... still from 一切完美

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